
Simplifying Complexity, Engaging Minds

The Advantages of Animated Explainer Videos: Improving Understanding and Engagement

by | Feb 7, 2023 | Animated Explainer Videos

Have you ever found it tough to explain a complex idea to someone, even after spending hours writing a report or giving a lecture?

Maybe you tried writing a report or lecture, but it still seemed like your audience was having difficulty understanding.

With the ever-evolving digital landscape, businesses now more than ever need to find innovative ways to communicate with their target audience effectively.

One solution gaining popularity is the use of animated explainer videos.

These videos offer a range of benefits, including simplifying complex ideas, illustrating abstract concepts, increasing engagement, improving memory retention, and versatility.


Key points:

  • Businesses need innovative ways to communicate complex ideas effectively in the digital landscape.
  • Animated explainer videos simplify complex ideas.
  • Visual representation makes abstract concepts more accessible and memorable.
  • Animated explainer videos increase engagement and make the learning experience enjoyable.
  • The use of visuals enhances memory retention, which is especially beneficial for conveying complicated information.
  • Animated explainer videos are versatile marketing tools that can be targeted to different audiences and used in various settings.


In this blog post, we’ll dig into these advantages in more detail, so you can find out whether animated explainer videos are helpful for your business.

Simplifying Complex Ideas

Animated explainer videos simplify complex ideas and concepts by using visuals and animation.

For instance, if you need to explain a complex scientific concept to someone without a science background, creating an animated explainer video can simplify the concept and make it more accessible. By using visual aids and animation, viewers can more easily comprehend and remember the information presented, ultimately making the learning experience more enjoyable and effective.

Visual Representation

Animated explainer videos can be a powerful tool for simplifying complex ideas, especially those that are abstract or intangible. By using visuals to illustrate the concept, viewers can create a mental image that helps them better understand and remember the information presented.

For instance, consider the concept of cloud computing, which can be difficult to explain using only words, especially to someone with no technology background. However, an animated explainer video can use visuals to represent the cloud as a physical object, making the concept more tangible and easier to grasp.

Increased Engagement

Animated explainer videos are more engaging than traditional written or verbal communication. They are visually appealing and can keep the viewer interested and entertained. Unlike traditional written or verbal communication, these videos are visually appealing and can add an element of fun to the presentation.

The use of animation and engaging visuals helps to keep the viewer interested in the content being presented.

Improved Memory Retention

Research has revealed that people tend to retain information better when it’s presented visually. Animated explainer videos utilize visuals to represent information, which can enhance memory retention.

This is especially beneficial for businesses that need to convey complicated information to their target audience.


Animated explainer videos can be used in a variety of settings, from social media to trade shows. They can also be targeted to different audiences, making them a versatile marketing tool.

You could create a series of animated explainer videos that are targeted to each industry, highlighting the unique benefits of your software to each specific audience.

This approach would enable you to speak directly to the needs of each industry and increase the likelihood that they will engage with your content and become customers.


In conclusion, animated explainer videos offer a range of advantages that make them an increasingly popular method of communication in today’s digital landscape. They can simplify complex ideas, provide visual representations of abstract concepts, increase engagement, and improve memory retention.

Additionally, their versatility makes them a valuable marketing tool that can be targeted to different audiences and used in various settings.

As businesses continue to look for effective ways to communicate with their target audience, animated explainer videos provide a powerful and engaging solution.


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