Our Services

Short-form content

Unlock the Power of Short-Form Content!

We turn 1 lengthy video into short-form video clips

High-quality short videos every day to increase your viewership, attract more fans, and expedite your journey

Higher Engagement

Transforming lengthy content into bite-sized clips keeps viewers engaged and captivated, leading to higher retention rates.


Shareable short clips are more likely to go viral, reaching a broader audience and expanding your brand’s visibility.


Versatile and can be used across various platforms and formats, such as stories, Instagram reels, TikTok videos, YouTube Shorts, infographics, and quick tutorials. 

Quick Consumption

In today’s fast-paced digital world, where attention spans are limited, our bite-sized clips efficiently deliver your message, keeping viewers engaged.

What makes a good short form video?

Engaging Hook

A compelling hook is a powerful and attention-grabbing element at the beginning of a video clip.

Highlighted keywords

Highlighted keywords increase video watch time by 65%.


Captions in videos enhance accessibility, making content inclusive and understandable for a diverse audience


By adding relevant emojis, you can increase your video views by 42%.

Brief Duration

Typically under 2 minutes, with many being just a few seconds long. Keep it brief to maintain viewer engagement.

Music and Sound

Selecting background music or sound effects that enhance the video’s mood and message.

Maximize video views


Drive engagement rate


Increase watch time


Save time and money

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the benefit of turning a long video into short clips?

Converting a long video into short clips allows you to capture your audience’s attention quickly and deliver key messages efficiently. It increases the likelihood of engagement and sharing, making your content more impactful.

How do I send my long video to your agency for conversion into short clips?

You can easily send us your video file through a secure file-sharing platform or by using our designated upload portal. Our team will take it from there.

What types of videos we edit?

We primarily specialize in editing video podcasts, educational videos, commentary videos, product reviews, motivational speeches, and more. However, if you have a specific video type in mind that’s not mentioned here, don’t hesitate to send us a message. We’re always open to exploring new projects and will let you know how we can assist you effectively.

How long does it typically take to receive the short clips after sending the long video?

The turnaround time depends on the complexity of the project and our current workload. However, we strive to deliver results as quickly as possible and will provide an estimated timeline upon reviewing your video.

Can I specify the length and number of short clips I want from my long video?

Absolutely. You can provide guidelines regarding the desired clip length and the number of clips you’d like us to create. We’ll work closely with you to ensure your preferences are met.

What platforms are these short clips suitable for?

Short clips can be shared on a wide range of platforms, including social media (e.g., TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter), websites, email marketing, and presentations

I have more questions!

Please feel free to contact us via email at info@nefastudio.com, and we’ll be happy to assist you with any additional questions or information you may need.

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